More lies and spin coming from David Griffin’s dark satanic shin dig

Either David Griffin and his Satanic cronies think the rest of the world is stupid, or they really do believe that they are the Gods of spin and can lie to everyone else in the occult world. We have been running stories about Griffin and his newfound dark magic chums attempts to build a hell mouth during a Golden Dawn conference.

In response Griffin has been channelling George Bush and claiming that anyone who does not hug a satanist is a Golden Dawn racist Terrorist (see earlier stories). He claimed that thanks to the “Terrorists” efforts, two of the organisers of the portal ritual Scarlett Marie and her husband “Nate” have refused to do the ritual. They are still going to the shin dig but they will not participate. EA Koetting will be bringing about the end of the world on his own.

Yesterday on Facebook,  Marie wrote a piece which indicated that everyone had gotten the focus of the ritual all wrong. Rather then an Aeon Gate opening to destroy everything, the ritual was supposed to remove those things which are holding the human race back from reaching higher consciousness.

“Given the mechanics of the ritual Nate and I did not want to waste our power or resources on a working that was going to have half our focus trying to deflect misunderstood energies… basically to much fucking drama. It is a (sic) apocalyptic working to bring forth the creation and potentiality of “Us” as a whole, magicians, Practioners (sic) and those seeking higher consciousness,” she wrote.

Marie said that the working in no way was Satanic as she did not believe in the “separation of entities” and “Angels and Daemons are a Christian conceptualization that is the final divorced ideal before truly emerging into your own Godhood path.” Our views are completely different from a Satanist, she said.
“Nobody is forced or expected to participate in this ritual… The invitation was extended to those that wanted to benefit from the gate opening. This is a Magick All festival with no attempt to dup (sic) the people of the GD sect to participate in something that they may have taken an Oath against or just don’t agree with. The festival was supposed to be open to all magicians of any paradigm hence why the invitation was extended to any compelled to contribute,” she wrote.
All fair enough and it even swayed Nick Farrell who had been taking the piss about the hell mouth idea generally. He said that it was fairly clear that Marie and Nate had been sold down the river because a description of the ritual by EA Koetting in his video.
“Nothing you described above would have been against any GD Oath and is closer to what I teach…. but the rubbish being spouted by Koetting was full of “dark fluff” hell mouths, and the end of the world shit. If there was doubt in the minds of people watching it was simply because EA Koetting was telling them that,” Farrell wrote.
“It is because someone played up this satanic crap and dumbed down your work to draw lots of morons to the event to sign up to their courses or join their order. Most of what we have been saying has been sarcastic and jokey. It was not targeted at you or your work but the promotion by Koetting and his over the top support by David Griffin,” he added.
So is that the end of the story? Not really. We mentioned that we were being lied to and it all came down to what kicked this all off. This interview with Koetting is with an enthusiastic fan who was talking about the end of the world and how Koetting was going to burn a hole in the desert. The video can be seen here.
The problem with this is the fan looked a little familiar to us and sure enough it turned out to be none other than Marie’s husband Nate.


Nate is on the Left and Koetting is on the right. Nate gets quiet excited about leaving a scar on the desert with his black magic rite.


This calls into question what Marie tells us about the intention being hijacked after all it beggars belief that her husband failed to tell her that he and Koetting had changed the flavour of the ritual to create a black magic scar in the desert. In the video, Nate seems excited about Koetting’s plans and there does not appear to be any mention of removing the blocks in human consciousness at all — it is 100 per cent dark fluff.

There is another scenario possible here. Both Nate and Maria say they are still going to Griffin’s conference but they will not be doing that ritual. However if they really were black magicians and wanting to open a hell mouth using innocent wiccans and GD types to feed it, wouldn’t they lie about it? The plan could be for Koetting to drum up the black magicians to make sure they are there, and Maria to reassure the wiccans and the GD types that everything was ok.

To be honest we don’t think anyone in this story is clever enough to do shit, we find the whole “dark fluff” thing amusing – the sort of games that the heavy metal kids play to try and look cool and get laid. If Evil could end the world with the fodder of Griffin, Nate and Koetting as its foot soldiers, megalomaniacs that are more talented would have done it a long time ago.

What the remit of Watchers of the Dawn is, is to catch out occult leaders when they are lying, and this one is a real whopper and we cant see who benefits. David is being associated with high pressure sales dark fluff and is left defending the indefensible.  While promoting dark fluff, Koetting and co are doing exactly the sort of things you expect from satanic twats and bringing the whole of the so called left hand path into disrepute. 

As far as being “Golden Dawn Terrorists” we hate to tell you David we are not members of the Golden Dawn. We are outsiders to your normal games… in other words we are the real world and it sees you as pure comedy. 

David Griffin admits he has no direct paper lineage to the Golden Dawn

Earlier this week when we ran a story saying that David Griffin was claiming that Nick Farrell agreed with him about lineage, it appears we missed that he had actually changed his mind and backtracked on a decade old claim that he had paper lineage to the original Golden Dawn . Because he is now denying that he ever said that a paper lineage from the GD was important, what is important is a spiritual lineage, we decided to open our file and remind our readers of David Griffin’s lineage claims. As you can see below, he championed some bizarre paper lineages for ages. We welcome David Griffin finally seeing sense in this matter (flip flopping?), he seems to have realised that he can’t really keep lying to the Golden Dawn community about fake histories and lineages. Historians have long said that there is no one with a direct linage to the Golden Dawn but there those who can claim a spiritual link to it.  By admitting this David Griffin has finally acknowledged that others also have that link and there is nothing special about his AO. 

After many years saying that he had a paper lineage to the Order of the Golden Dawn, David Griffin has finally come clean and admitted that they are not worth the paper they are printed on. Instead, he now has started saying what everyone else in the Golden Dawn has been saying for years that a spiritual lineage where a person makes his or her own contacts behind a magical order is the only way forward.

This spiritual journey has been a long one for David. First, he claimed he had lineage from Israel Regardie because he was initiated by Chic Cicero, for the ten minutes it took after Cicero expelled him.

Teaming up with Pascal Ruggiu, Griffin then started making some very strange claims about what was clearly a paper lineage. The first was that he was given direct lineage from Whare Ra from Pat Zalewski. This was based on a claim that Pascal and Griffin had received lineage from Zalewski’s Laura Jennings when she ran a workshop in Paris. This claim was later denied by Jennings who said that Ruggiu had asked her for paper lineage and she said no.

Then Griffin and Ruggiu started to focus on Mather’s AO as a possible point for a paper lineage. It was claimed that Tamara Bourkoun  had an AO lineage and she had ordered Pascal to form an outer order of the group.  She was fortunately dead by that point, but documents turned up which suggested that she was never a member of the AO and her Order of the Pyramid and the Sphinx was based on something she hatched up with Israel Regardie. In fact, the group used cut down versions of the GD Bristol temple rituals. If she did tell Pascal to set up the AO in France, she did not have any authority to do so.

The next, and most pervasive lineage legend to come out of Griffin’s temple was the bizarre story of Desmond Burke. Burke was a collector of masonic certificates and claimed to be a 7=4 in both the AO and the SM, at least to friend of a friend of Griffin’s, Robert Word.  The friend set up a GD group based on a lineage certificate that Burke claimed he had. The group did not last and he passed the lineage on to Word.  Word then wrote to Pat Zalewski and said that he had been given the 7=4 and could Pat give him all the teachings assocated with that grade because Burke had not had them.  Zaleswki said no.  Word then gave the AO linage to Griffin to form his AO group along with photocopies from the Slater collection. The Slater Collection were AO documents found in a museum which meant that Griffin could say with a clear conscious that he had the real AO material.

Griffin might have gotten away with this lineage, at least to his members, had he kept his mouth shut.  Instead, he saw this as a marketing method. After all, he could now claim he was the only authorised AO temple. This set him at odds with another marketing expert Robert Zink who was claiming that he had managed to find authentic AO lineage in the US.

By making it public, Griffin found himself being investigated by those who knew Burke. Letters from Burke confirmed without a doubt that he had no connection to the AO and had no right to give out anything. He said that he never had a 7=4 in the AO or the SM.

Fortunately for Griffin after writing those letters, Burke died, which meant that Griffin could claim that the letters were misquoted or a forgery and an attempt to smear a master occultist. We posted one up here and they are genuine.

Griffin by then had acquired a would-be historian SR who continued to promote the idea that paper lineages were valid and that Griffin had one.  Using this “research” as a flimsy intellectual base Griffin set himself up as the Pope of the AO and claimed that his order was the real AO, with lineage from the original Golden Dawn. When pressed to prove it, he would claim that he and his order were being attacked. At no point did he ever present any proof of his lineage to anyone.

The next big problem for Griffin came about when Nick Farrell published the NISI documents in two books Mathers Last Secret and King over the Water. For a while, Griffin had claimed that the true teaching of the Golden Dawn went into Mathers’ AO however Mathers Last Secret showed that Mathers did not provide any new teaching to his order and made minimal changes to the Order. Griffin attempted to claim that his order’s secrets had been profaned by the book, even though it was clear that if his group was based on those rituals, its secrets had long ago been profaned by Regardie.  King over the Water was even more problematic because it proved that the AO had been shut down in 1940 on the orders of its Secret Chiefs. If the Secret Chiefs had ordered the AO to shut, how was it possible for anyone to claim lineage to that group 50 years later?

Griffin by this point had been introduced to some friends of Ruggiu in France and Italy.  These were members of several different occult organisations connected to the Order of Osiris and various strains of alchemy and European Gnostic Churches. None of these had anything to do with the Golden Dawn, but that did not stop Griffin and SR claiming that they were the real secret chiefs who inspired Mathers. 

While they were later to fall out with Griffin, it meant that he no longer had to claim the paper lineages to prop up his AO myth. With his French and Italian secret chiefs not returning his calls, Griffin realised something important about them – it did not matter whether they were telling him what to do or not.  He could still claim that he was in contact with real secret chiefs and no one could prove otherwise.

While  no one else in the Golden Dawn community believed in his secret chiefs, it was a matter of faith, something that historians like Bob Gilbert, Nick Farrell and Pat Zalweski could not rip apart because they could not prove that they didn’t exist either.

Today’s announcement that Griffin is now claiming spiritual lineage to the AO means that he has finally abandoned his belief in the paper lineage which propped him up in the past.  It is short on mentioning secret chiefs too, so maybe he has evolved past that idea.


Comedy GD leader hopes to misquote his way out of lineage vacuum

Comedy leader of the US based Golden Dawn group AO David Griffin is so desperate for attention that he has started claiming other Golden Dawn leaders agree with him, when he knows that the only thing that the GD community does agree on is that he should be publicly dissected and his organs donated to a pig farm.


I cant… wait… to get… into the… sky-clad Jacuzzi

His latest attempt includes a heavily gutted quote from Nick Farrell which according to UK press law could get you sued for defamation in the UK. The quote is so gutted it reads as William Shatner speaks.

“A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit … my … involvement with Whare Ra. … When it comes down to it, these comments are usually written by those who do not have any real connection to the Golden Dawn and have lineage envy.”

 The full quote is this:

“A few blogs have appeared attempting to discredit Pat Zalewski, and to a lesser extent my own involvement with Whare Ra. You might find long-winded blogs out there penned by people who have never even visited New Zealand, let alone talked to Whare Ra people. They all insist that Pat, Christine, or Tony, or myself had nothing to do with Whare Ra and attempt to prove it.

One of the weird things I have noticed about the Internet is that you find a lot of Black is white comments, which deny things which I actually saw and took part in. When it comes down to it, these comments are usually written by those who do not have any real connection to the Golden Dawn and have lineage envy.”

This is a completely different statement and rubbishes those who claim Golden Dawn lineage. We asked Farrell to confirm what his quote meant and he sent us the following:

“There is no way anyone has any lineage to the Golden Dawn or the AO. There are some who have lineage to Whare Ra, but the person you mentioned does not. While I find it flattering that he needs an endorsement from me, but on this point we will only agree when hell freezes over.”

According to Farrell, the Golden Dawn had rules about how you had authority to set up a temple. A person of 5=6 grade had to apply to the chiefs of the Golden Dawn for a warrant. Since there have been no living chiefs of the Order since the 1960s there is no one who you could have applied to form a temple. In any event, the AO merged into the SM after WW2 so lineage wise that would be dead end.

Most of the people around who have any “lineage” are those who have been through the Whare Ra system. It had a different set of rules to the GD which made a lineage possible. But this lineage was not to the Golden Dawn, but to the Rosicrucian movement in Europe which was based around Steiner. Felkin went out of his way to make sure that he had a different lineage from the Golden Dawn, Farrell said.

“The net result is that no one has lineage to the original Golden Dawn and anyone who says they does is a liar. So far any discussion focused on lineage has always shown people be making up facts and having dodgy paperwork. If David Griffin has a piece of paper signed by the last AO chief, who was Dr Carnegie-Dickson, giving him (personally) permission to form an AO order then that is the only way I will accept he has lineage.”

Given that Dr Carnegie-Dickson could have given Griffin permission after he was a 5=6 and he did not get that until the 1990s long after the good Doctor was long in his vault, it is impossible.

Farrell said his quote is about people claiming he had nothing to do with Whare Ra, and are pissed off that when it comes to real Golden Dawn connections they have nothing. Lineage chasing is one of the most pointless exercises in the modern Golden Dawn and such obsessions are one of the reasons he left.

“I have been incredibly consistent about my belief that lineage is meaningless. I have said as much in both editions of Gathering the Magic, King over the Water, Mather’s Last Secret, Commentaries on the Golden Dawn Flying Rolls, Beyond the Sun and What My Hierophant Should have Taught Me… If a group is doing the work then they will make their own contacts and you will judge them by the standard of training.”

“If people claim lineage is important, and none of them has it, then they are really telling the word “what we are doing is pointless.” If they say here are the adepts we created, here is our teaching, then that should be strong enough to give all the status a real magic order needs.”  

Not being in the Golden Dawn we think the issue of lineage does not make you a great group,. The organisation that has the longest lineage in history is the Roman Catholic Church. It is questionable if that is something that is worthwhile, unless you are an Irish pedophile who needs protection. .





Nick Farrell quits the Golden Dawn

nick-farrell2Long time champion of the Golden Dawn, Nick Farrell has finally admitted that the system is broken and can’t be fixed.

In a surprise announcement, Farrell announced that his Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea  can no longer be considered a traditional Golden Dawn group, although it will continue to use rituals and teachings.

In a Facebook interview with Watchers of the Dawn,  Farrell said that the Golden Dawn egregore was blighted with all sorts of “astral parasites” and had been doing its best to kill itself.

“If you are in a group which claims that it is Golden Dawn, you open yourself to all the problems suffered by the original order,” Farrell said.

He thinks that the original Golden Dawn egregore was a quasi-masonic order that admitted women and it had problems adapting to the magical techniques which were bought in by Mathers.

“Having your order head being an ego crazed loon also harms the egregore, as does having an order that rises against its leadership or encourages political knifings…  The Golden Dawn had all these problems and will encourage them to happen again and again,” Farrell added.

Now if you say “I am Golden Dawn” you open yourself to all those anti-magical, megalomaniacal problems.  But if you try to do something new then the egregore will fall on you like a free-falling elephant, he said.

“The Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea, particularly in is second order is more experimental, so we have been getting in the neck from that egregore and its antics are distracting,” he said.

Farrell was dismissive of those who claimed that they needed a connection to the Golden Dawn because of the mystical power of a tradition.

“When you look at the Golden Dawn history, those groups that have been the most successful have been those who have done their best to distance themselves from its egregore. Felkin was a case in point.  He wired his Whare Ra Order to the Rosicrucian current in Europe and bypassed the toxic Golden Dawn order completely.”

This gave Felkin the ability to do what he liked and not be bound by rules set by the old egregore, he said.

“This is what we have done with the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea… we have our own link to the past currents of the Golden Dawn which does not feature the Order itself.  We use its rituals, and all its teachings, but we have our own vision about how these are supposed to play out.”

The last straw was the universal adoption in the mass media of the name “Golden Dawn” by the Greek Fascist movement.

“Association with a hate group on an international scale does more damage to the Golden Dawn than the Horos Scandle… Who wants your magic order sitting on Google ranking next to neo-nazis?”

Already the confusion between the name Golden Dawn and the Greek Nazis has happened.  One mentally ill person listed all the occult golden dawn members as being organizers of the Far Right in Europe and the US, he said.

“That cannot help but destroy any good that the Golden Dawn can be associated with.  It is reaching a point where running a “golden dawn” group is like swimming in a public pool full of floating turds…. You end up trying to avoid them all the time rather than getting on with the business of swimming.”

The advantages of saying “I am a member of a Golden Dawn group” of people knowing where you are coming from, are now eclipsed by those who think you are “neo-nazi” or connected with the Golden Dawn in-fighting or other stuff.

Anyway a group should not need to “look to the past for any particular knowledge or security, but to its future”.

Farrell said it was better to pour new wine into new skins and be more secure in the Magical Order of the Aurora Aurea’s independence and ability to move in its  own direction.

“We have basically grown up, and don’t need that name any more, ” he concluded.




Griffin tells Pascal Rugiu he is a joke

The Sole Proprietor of the  Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega business David Griffin, has told his former number two that he must be joking when he claimed the business’ secret chiefs had abandoned him

As we reported here Pascal posted on Facebook that he was the only link that Griffin had for the Third Order which were cut when he resigned.  He said that he introduced Griffin to the secret chiefs in his home.   So if members of the AO wanted secret chiefs with their magic order they needed to talk to him.

That would not normally have indicated that the AO had lost its secret chiefs, as they might have continued to work independently with Griffin.  But Ruggiu said that Griffin had angered the Secret Chiefs greatly.

“They say he has betrayed them!” he wrote in Facebook. The Master told Ruggiu that Griffin did not help him, but “just exploited him” and wrote a “very insulting letter to the council of Masters.” The result was that the Secret Chiefs decided to leave him.

Today Griffin this week printed “a clarification” of Ruggiu’s outburst saying that it was” a joke” because one of the  secret chiefs were staying  at his house for four months when Pascal said it.  He was apparently preparing to give top secret information to the people who showed up at his workshop in April. That  secret chief later asked Pascal to take down the post and he apparently did, at least according to Griffin.

However like most of Griffins histories, he has failed to get his dates right which probably means he is not telling the full story.  Ruggiu’s comments on Facebook were written in May, well after the Secret Chief had returned to Italy or Paris or wherever he lived.  According to Griffins dating this must have been at the latest February assuming it happened at all.  Griffin’s conference was in April.

Alas this means that Ruggiu’s information about the state of mind of the secret chiefs is more recent than anything that happened before Griffin’s April workshop.  Perhaps the row that Ruggiu is referring to is the mind of the Secret Chief AFTER he left Griffin.  Then there is the letter that Ruggiu is referring to which claims the Secret Chiefs had cut off contact with Griffin after a rude letter.  The secret chief said that Griffin had failed to support him, perhaps they were expecting their Vegas gambling debts to be covered.  Still it sounds like the secret chief got back from Vegas and was suitably pissed off.

We would have thought that a Secret Chief who is an alchemical master he should be able to generate enough gold himself, or having trained Griffin for four months should have expected Griffin to generate enough cash himself.  Besides Griffin claimed two years ago that he could turn lead into gold, we would have thought he would have been rolling in it by now.

Ruggiu has been quiet about the whole matter and when he was asked about it said he would be making a statement later which has never arrived.  Meanwhile it seems that Griffin is keeping up the story that he is connected to Ruggiu’s secret chiefs and insisting that they think he is their great new hope and Ruggiu’ is nothing to them.


griffins statements


Stacewicz’s historical brains are scrambled by challenge

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No problems of ego here. Stacewicz’s Facebook picture is Mathers’ picture with his own face stuck on it.

It seems that David Griffin’s effective number two was caught out spinning fake facts to his Facebook listeners.

Tomas Stacewicz, who is the Imperator of David Griffin’s Swedish Temple was caught out trying to re-invent history in accordance to his leader’s latest crackpot theory again.

For those who came in late, Stacewicz writes long rambling cut-and-paste histories which are supposed to prove that Griffin is right, black really is white, and Griffin’s Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega,  sole trader business  really is the original AO order. Griffin calls Stacewicz’s pieces “scholarly” in a bid to make them even more important.

Unfortunately for historians and Griffin, Stacewicz’s use of sources would get him kicked out of a fourth form history class and he does not seem to show any of the skills we expect from Swedish academia.

Wading in to the secret chiefs debate, Stacewicz questioned a statement by Nick Farrell that Secret Chiefs were always male.

Writing in his blog, Farrell had said  :” The only recorded meetings with secret chiefs in the flesh are universally with males.  It appears that females do not qualify.  There is no racial bar; they are allowed to be Indians, Native Americans, Chinese, Arabs, Jews, Etruscans, Egyptians.  There have been few recorded secret chiefs who were of African descent.  If you were hoping your secret chief could be a black woman you could be out of luck.”

Stacewicz said that this was “rubbish” and says a lot about that particular “G.D. leader’s ignorance in these matters”.

He said that Secret Chiefs were all alchemists and do not make any distinction between women and men.

Then he said that” priestessess [sic]  were a very important if not central to these mysteries”.  We guess they made the alchemists tea, as they do not seem to have shown up in any important meetings with other occultists.

Stacewicz had not actually proved anything. a fact that the Spanish BOTA member Riccardo Cobb picked upon.  Cobb appears very interested in Secret Chiefs as he tries to establish the history of BOTA which depends on them for its lineage.

Cobb asked Stacewicz what historical examples there had been of women secret chiefs.  After all there are loads of myths about them surely if they were common, then why have no myths involving women shown up?

Sensing that his leader was in trouble, another Griffinite Victor Guillen said that Stacewicz was not going to name any names because they were all secret.

In otherwords, Stacewicz with all his genius in history could name a  female secret chief, but they were all secret so he did not have to prove it.

Cobb said that he was not interested in knowing who the secret chiefs of Griffin’s order were, he just wanted to know what historical examples there had been of female secret chiefs.

Stacewicz then popped up and said “I know several names, but as Victor just said, that is not disclosed information anymore and for good reasons.”

He told Cobb to read his long and rambling post about the Third Order and the Secret Chiefs and the Golden Yawn  while it would not answer Cobb’s question, it would probably give him something to do and not question Stacewicz’s historical pronouncements ever again.

In summery Stacewicz saying Farrell is ignorant and not telling the truth about secret chiefs, he can’t prove it, but people have to believe him because he says so. After all he is just the sort of person people should trust uncritically.

Nick Farrell hits out at David Griffin’s “lies”

Golden Dawn historian Nick Farrell hit back about David Griffin’s claims that he was a spy on behalf of SRIA trying to bring down his business,.

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David Griffin loses another mud slinging contest.

Griffin, who runs his Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega, as a sole trader style business  As you can read here,  Griffin has been erroneously claiming that Nick Farrell is an agent of the masonic SRIA organisation which he claims is a Nazi bunch of Satanists with a born again Christian agenda.

While Farrell has never defended himself against such attacks, we found evidence that he was not a member of SRIA at all and wondered, with the rest of us, why Griffin would come up with such an obvious porkie pie.

This morning, in his blog,  Farrell confirmed what we had written, saying that he has never been a member of SRIA and he can’t work out what Griffin is banging on about.

“How is it possible for me to be a spy for two orders that I am not a member of taking orders from [the head of SRIA John Paternoster] who I last saw at the GD conference in 1996,” he wrote.

Farrell also answered charges that he had been defaming Griffin’s order in his books King over the Water and Mathers Last Secret.  He said that his books were written about the historical AO order and not Griffin’s business.

“My books tell the history of the real AO, not the one that you set up in the 1990s.  In your head you might think they are the same thing, but they are not.  My histories stop in the 1940s before you were born, just like the real AO,” he told Griffin.

He warned Griffin that if he wanted acceptance by the wider Golden Dawn Community he was going to “have to stop calling people names and making up fake conspiracies and false stories.  If you are going to be accepted as a chief then you are going to have to  do something basic like teaching people rather than running around like the alcoholic on the street who thinks they are being chased by aliens, “

He accused Griffin of vandalising references to his books on Wikipedia in a bid to suppress facts about the historical  AO and keep the truth from his members.

Farrell also referred to an incident where Griffin ordered his followers to conduct a virtual book burning by flooding Amazon with one star reviews for his books.

Griffin has claimed that Farrell’s  King over the Water was self published because it was issued by Kerubim Press.  Farrell said he was involved in setting up Kerubim but it was run by Dean Wilson.

Wilson has also issued a statement saying that the company is a  sole proprietorship, founded, run and owned by him.

“Nick did the layout work and cover designs, on a freelance basis, for King Over the Water and Commentaries on the Golden Dawn Flying Rolls, and only those two titles. He had no other involvement with the company and is neither co-founder, co-owner, or co-partner,” Wilson said.

“He had no part in the editing, publishing, distribution or marketing process of the two titles he was involved with. King Over the Water does not meet any definitions of self-publishing, since it was authored by Nick, but published by me,” he added.

It seems to outsiders that in a couple of posts, Farrell and Wilson have derailed a years worth of barefaced lies by David Griffin and made most of the posts and all the comments largely redundant.

David Griffin abandoned by his secret chiefs

After years of claiming that his reconstituted Golden Dawn/AO was the only one with physical secret chiefs in charge, David Griffin appears to have been abandoned by them.

According to Griffin’s co-chief, Jean Pascal-Ruggiu he introduced him to his secret chiefs and gave David the much desired connection to the Golden Dawn third order which Griffin craved.

Griffin wanted Golden Dawn lineage for sometime.  He initially hoped to get a Regardie lineage from his first teacher Chris Montastra, but when he realised that these were fairly easy to get, he obtained a paper lineage from Robert Word which was obtained from a UK masonic collector Desmond Bourke.  Bourke weakened Griffin’s claim by denying he had a right to give it out and while defending his lineage against claims from Pat Zalewski that it was worthless,  Griffin looked elsewhere.

Pascal-Ruggiu was particularly well-connected with the continental magical scene and a number of alchemical groups based around the teachings of Fulcanelli.  When he signed up for Griffin’s order in the early days, there was no mention of secret chiefs, so either he had not met them, or they had not revealed themselves to be secret chiefs.

However according to Ruggiu in 2002 a council of secret chiefs was formed to rule Griffin and Ruggiu’s order. A person, who happened to have the same motto as the founder of the Golden Dawn Samuel Mathers’ contact Frater Lux E Tenebris was supposed to act as the council’s spokesman.

Griffin wrote: “Frater L.E.T., represented the same Continental European order of Hermetic alchemists who had initiated Kenneth MacKenzie, to whom S.L. MacGregor Mathers referred to as the “Secret Chiefs.” Griffin and Ruggiu received the same Hermetic and Rosicrucian lineages transmitted earlier to MacKenzie by Count Apponyi and to Mathers by Lux E Tenebris, as well as an esoteric corpus and skeletal initiation rituals with which to create the “Third Order” that had since its inception been intended to complete the “three order” system of the Golden Dawn.”

Griffin was to get much secret teaching, particularly related to alchemy which he was to install as third order teaching within the Golden Dawn.  The emphasis on alchemy and the often quoting of Fulcanelli in papers by the secret chiefs seemed to show that they were based around Ruggiu’s circle.

According to Griffin: “ Secret Chiefs had transmitted to us the grade rituals and complete curriculum for the highest grades of the order (8=3, 9=2, and 10=1)…   we revealed the importance and prominence of Hermetic Internal Alchemy in the Golden Dawn’s Third Order. We also revealed how Third Order alchemical processes, in symbolical and analogical ways, permeate the entire Golden Dawn grade rituals, knowledge lectures, and even the R.R. et A.C. magical system. We further revealed that the Third Order possesses the clear explanation of   all of the advanced alchemical processes encoded in every aspect of the Golden Dawn”

Then last year Ruggiu resigned as the Imperator of Griffin’s order and closed down his Ahathoor Temple no. 7.  Griffin played this down saying that Jean-Pascal remained in the AO, although he has stepped down from all leadership roles while developing a new order in France.  But around this time he started making bizarre  claims about the masonic SRIA and the Order of the Rose and Cross attacking him, which might have been a move to distract his followers from the importance of Ruggiu’s exit.

Ruggiu did not go quietly he moaned online to various sources that Griffin did not live up to his end of the bargain with the Secret Chiefs and failed to carry out even the most basic of alchemical experiments.  If practical alchemy was so important to the inner orders of the AO, then why wasn’t its leader practising it?

Recently it appears that the link between Ruggiu and Griffin soured further.  In a Facebook post Ruggiu said that he was the only link that Griffin had for the Third Order which were cut when he resigned.  He said that he introduced Griffin to the secret chiefs in his home.   So if members of the AO wanted secret chiefs with their magic order they needed to talk to him.

That would not normally have indicated that the AO had lost its secret chiefs, as they might have continued to work independently with Griffin.  But Ruggiu said that Griffin had angered the Secret Chiefs greatly.

“They say he has betrayed them!” he wrote in Facebook.

The Master told Ruggiu that Griffin did not help him, but “just exploited him” and wrote a “very insulting letter to the council of Masters.” The result was that the Secret Chiefs decided to leave him.

None of this information indicates if Griffin is disconnected from  the  Italian couple which he introduced in a disastrous lecture at Pantheacon.  They went by the name of del Bosco Sacro who ran an Italian wiccan circle which appeared to be based on Leyland and the Golden Bough and did not attract much interest.  However Griffin was heard to describe them as his secret chief. We have not heard of this couple for some time amongst Griffin’s postings, although all the websites he set up explaining their methods are still live.

What is telling is that Griffin has made no comment about the Ruggiu disclosures.  His more recent comments about Secret Chiefs have been less that he has a connection with them, but more historical hair-splitting about whether they exist. Ruggiu, after his latest Facebook posting, has also been quiet about the matter.

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Golden Dawn Griffin attacks the wrong people (again)

Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Outer Order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega, David Griffin, this week wrote an exposé of a masonic plot to destroy his order.

Griffin claimed that Nick Farrell and Mike Crowson were members of the Societas Rosicruciana (SRIA) and for 20 years that masonic organisation is doing its level best to attack his beloved order.  Griffin claimed here that the pair were secret agents acting on behalf of SRIA chief John Paternoster.

However it appears that Griffin’s research only extended to reading blog written by a Christian who felt that it was Satanic for John Paternoster to have written in an occult magazine.  In otherwords this same writer would have thought that Griffin himself was a Satanist.

Farrell posted yesterday about his dislike of masonic orders and said that he had never been a member of SRIA, which would have been a requisite for being Paternoster’s right hand man.

Had Griffin done any research at all into British masonic politics he would have also discovered that while Crowson had been a member of SRIA, he left six years ago after a somewhat spectacular and well known row with John Paternoster.    Normally you do not obey orders on behalf of a person you do not like for an organisation you are not a part of.

Paternoster has other reasons for not liking Farrell because of his strong views about the use of practical magic.

At the 1997 Golden Dawn conference Paternoster claimed that magic was “dangerous and warped the fabric of the universe”.

Griffin’s response to the chilling wind of fact being presented to him is that it must be lies, because he said so.  But he has not been able to offer any proof that Farrell or Crowson are actually members of SRIA.

Our source in SRIA tells us that this is because is none.  In fact the implication was that SRIA was about as interested in having Farrell and Crowson as members as it was at inviting Griffin.

Griffin managed to get away with the claim because both Farrell and Crowson have chosen to ignore him and not stand up for themselves.  It is not clear why.  Neither Farrell nor Crowson have replied to Watcher of the Dawn, in fact the only proof we can find that they know each other is that they are friends on Facebook.